What are the Benefits of Laser Cutting Services?

Custom 3D Company Sign

Laser cutting is a technology that has revolutionized the manufacturing industry, allowing for precision cutting of various materials such as metal, plastic, wood, and more. Laser cutting services have become increasingly popular due to their accuracy, speed, and cost-effectiveness. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of laser cutting services and how they can […]

Laser Cut Felt Panels as As Office Partitions and Room Vividers

Laser Cut Felt Panel Office Partitions Did you know that we have a sister company, Laser Felt, that specializes in the design and manufacturing of laser cut felt panels for use as office partitions and room dividers? That’s right!  The same laser machines that we use to create our custom projects here at Laser Cutting […]

Hanging Felt Office Dividers by Laser Felt

Hanging Felt Dividers by Laser Felt

It doesn’t get much classier than this! Hanging felt divider panels, designed and installed by our sister company, Laser Felt. They come in a variety of patterns and colors to suit everyone’s needs. Our hanging felt panels can be mounted on our custom track system or hung by cables (as seen in this photo). Want […]